Notes From Underground: in a follow up to this morning’s piece …

Today’s Financial Times reported that Admiral Robert Willard, commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, issued warnings regarding China’s new assertiveness in the Asian region. In reference to China’s recent noise about claims to territorial rights in the Asian region, the Admiral said it was “generating increasing concern broadly across the region and require address.” 

North Korea sinks another nation’s ship and the U.S. works backwater channels to deal with it. The Chinese merely express a claim and it is deemed to represent a new assertiveness, while the U.S. political potentates are trying to soften the differences over economic policy. IS ANYBODY COORDINATING POLICY? We might also add that with the U.S. treating North Korea with velvet gloves because of its nuclear capabilities, we can understand Iran’s motivations–the crown is resting nervously upon the head of the Saudi Royals.

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3 Responses to “Notes From Underground: in a follow up to this morning’s piece …”

  1. Martha Nakajima Says:

    I think US is waiting for S. Korea to decide what it wants. There are big constraints on SKorean action with kith and kin populating the North, possible heavy loss of civilian life and property in a border war (Seoul is very close to the border), loss of sunk investments in the North etc. I don’t think the US can get out ahead of S Korea here.

  2. yra Says:

    martha –very good points which is why I tilt to the South Koreans sovereign decisions and and respect them—but as the Marine wrote in yesterday on the other post—as a u.s. military personnel said–it is tough to be a trip wire—but the decision is not easy but how far will the Norko’s push

  3. Martha Nakajima Says:

    Well, it looks like S Korea will take this to the UNSC, which will take a long time. Best outcome would be back channel pressure by the Chinese on N Korea to back off in return for some protection in the SC. The last thing either the Chinese or the S Koreans want is for North Korea to collapse as neither wants to pay the bill for sorting out the chaos. This puts some limits on economic sanctions. The South Koreans watched the reunification of Germany with great interest and decided they couldn’t afford reunification of Korea.

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