Archive for the ‘Foreign Policy’ Category

Notes From Underground: The Alfred E. Neuman Equity Markets, “What, Me Worry?”

July 20, 2014

Alfred E. Neuman for President

Alfred E. Neuman, the beloved character of Mad Magazine, was famous for his deadpan look while espousing the philosophy, “What, Me Worry?”

While the world has certainly entered the madness zone, the world’s equity markets remain in bull mode, floating on a sea of central-bank provided liquidity. Russian support and arming of “rebel” groups results in the downing of a commercial airliner … no problem. An Israeli invasion of Gaza to thwart the nihilistic behavior of Hamas, and the markets shrug and offer up a bland response of, “whatever.”


Notes From Underground: Let’s talk Turkey

June 3, 2010

We at notes will sometimes put an issue on the radar screen that may not have present value for trading, but may well have significance in the near future and ultimately have an effect on global money flows that we hold dear. Turkey fits that profile.


Notes From Underground: in a follow up to this morning’s piece …

May 26, 2010

Today’s Financial Times reported that Admiral Robert Willard, commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, issued warnings regarding China’s new assertiveness in the Asian region. In reference to China’s recent noise about claims to territorial rights in the Asian region, the Admiral said it was “generating increasing concern broadly across the region and require address.” 
