Notes From Underground: Santelli Exchange–Bazooka and Bubbles

Santelli Exchange, March 10, 2016

Click on the image to watch me and Rick discuss the ECB’s policy decisions

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4 Responses to “Notes From Underground: Santelli Exchange–Bazooka and Bubbles”

  1. Frank C. Says:

    Great interview as always.

    I don’t know if you saw this.

    • yra Says:

      Frank C.–just read it —thanks for the link—Pritchard on the job of revealing the dissonance within Europe and mentioned another Bundesbank heavyweight Jurgen Stark

  2. jromeo21 Says:

    Excellent segment Yra. We are getting closer to the end game and when it does unfold, it will be ugly.



    • yra Says:

      Joey–thanks for the words and hope things have settled for you and the kids.For readers who are not as old as some of us,Joey one of the great bank traders when discretion was a valued asset.

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