Posts Tagged ‘Fitch’

Notes From Underground: France to England–No, YER Going To Be Downgraded First

December 15, 2011

Today, the finger-pointing in Europe continued as Bank of France Governor Christian Noyer scolded the ratings agencies and complained that it was the U.K. that should lose its AAA credit rating before France. Let us be clear: Christian Noyer is way out of line. First, the French are the premier bashers of the over aggressive role that Moody’s, S&P and Fitch play on the international financial scene. But when the power of the agencies can be used against a foe, then NOYER can point the finger that the BRITS are much weaker than the French and need to be punished. Secondly, NOYER shows how inept he is as a central banker because the finger-pointing does nothing to make the case of why France should not suffer a downgrade.



July 5, 2011

As the clock resets on the Greek crisis and the fog of questionable financial shenanigans begins to lift, it appears that a new game is emerging within the confines of the default arena. The three main ratings agencies that enjoy near monopolistic power, granted by government decree, are in a rush to downgrade the sovereign debt ratings of the European peripherals. It seems as if Fitch, Moody’s and S&P are leading the race to downgrade the fastest as if to put more and more pressure on Brussels in a game of CHICKEN DEFAULT. As it is now obvious to all, the ECB and the EFSF are trying to prevent a legal definition of DEFAULT from occurring so as not to pay out on the credit default swaps, especially to all those empty creditors.


Notes From Underground: I will “Badger” Andy Stern on the issue of Undefunded pensions

February 18, 2011

No real surprises on the data releases yesterday. The U.S. inflation numbers were much as expected but all the DEBT futures markets rallied as it seems the shorts in the markets are nervous about new uncertainties in the Middle East. One would think that the equities would have been sold and the DOLLAR bought for safe-haven purposes, but this was not to be the case. TheĀ  DOLLAR safe-haven status is breaking down on a correlative basis, throwing all the “talking heads” into a confused state. As I continually warn the readers of NOTES, markets are dynamic in data usage and always in flux and for those who stay static in thought, I merely offer a shoulder on which to cry. What is bothering the markets?


Notes From Underground: NEWSFLASH-we are downgrading FITCH!

May 30, 2010

We couldn’t resist taking this shot at the late-Friday news that Fitch downgraded Spanish debt to AA+ from AAA, which left us dazed and confused. Why did this ratings agency decide to release this on the Memorial Day weekend when the markets were thin and subject to a very volatile reaction? This decision is not of consequence as S&P downgraded Spanish debt in April. Could this ratings release not have waited until Tuesday when the markets were back at full strength and had deeper liquidity? Would Fitch’s reputation have suffered if they had waited another few days to make this inconsequential change?
