Posts Tagged ‘House’

Notes From Underground: Elections Are Over; Time To Focus On …

November 7, 2012

Give the pollsters their due.  They were virtually perfect in the predictions of electoral outcomes. Can the electoral algos now reduce all that data and tell us the policies that will be produced to deal with the problems that plague the U.S.? The Obama victory was greeted by a market selloff as the investment world woke up to the possibility of tax increases and spending cuts leading to a recession and decreased profits. The elections were widely anticipated as the bookies in London and worldwide had predicted. I am left scratching my head, wondering what caused the steep decline in the U.S. equity and commodity markets? The EURO currency was not sold hard enough to think that the Greek situation was the catalyst. Besides, the Greek parliament passed the austerity budget tonight. There is no way that Europe will not provide the Greeks with the promised funds as the outcome would not be worth the 30 billion euros that are in question. If the Obama victory and coming government standoff should have led to a selloff in the BONDS for one would have to be insane to purchase U.S. bonds priced at FED manipulated risk levels.


Notes From Underground: Outliers and Out Right Liars

November 5, 2012

Yes, the U.S. Presidential election is finally here. After the POLITICAL-INFO COMPLEX has spent the $6 billion on various political campaigns, we are left wondering why anyone would contribute money to feed the monster and prolong our agony. I know the answer and the “road to political hell is not paved with good intentions.” There are so many polls predicting a very tight race that I care not for the popular predictions. As an investor/trader I am much more concerned about the outliers. First, the most significant result would be for the Democrats to retake the house. The 2010 Republicans claiming the majority in the House by such a wide margin was not predicted. If the Democrats were to undo 2010 it would mean a landslide victory for President Obama as well as the continued control of the Senate. The triple crown for the Democrats would be a negative for the markets as there would be no movement on the “fiscal cliff” as the Democratic leadership would be empowered with a mandate.


Notes From Underground: Slovakia … Never Has Something So Insignificant Attracted So Much Attention

October 11, 2011

The media was all aflutter with the vote in the Slovakian Parliament on the issue of the July 21 changes to enhancing the increased funding for the EFSF. This vote was meaningless for Europe and the world but of significance for the Slovakian government. The amount of money that Slovakia would have to add to the EFSF is a pittance compared to the funds that Europe has sent and will send to the Slovak people under the guise of the EU COHESION FUNDS. Europe has sent the less-affluent states money to help ease the wide disparities between the wealthy core nations and the newly developing nations of the former Soviet Empire.
