Posts Tagged ‘Eur/Yen’

Notes From Underground: The clock to the end of the first quarter and the money from the BIG EASY has overwhelmed

March 29, 2011

Wow, what a long strange trip it has been. This quarter has certainly been visited by the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Every time the market thinks it has seen a cataclysmic event, something new arrives on the stage. Floods in Australia, earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan, high food prices and riots in the world over, and of course there is always war breaking out somewhere. In a prior time (THINK 1960s), we had a different hedge group writing: IT’S GOOD NEWS WEEK by  the HEDGEHOPPERS.

All these calamities and still the equity markets in the U.S. have rallied and the DOLLAR has failed to invoke its haven status. The only explanation I can discern from this action is that EASY MONEY from our friends at the FED has trumped all else. It seems that DOLLAR-based investors are searching for any type of investment that can yield more than inflation. Risky assets get bid up as money scours the investment map. Commodities, high-dividend yield stocks, high-yield corporate bonds are all desired.

Yet, as the Financial Times reported today,  the demand for MUNI BONDS isn’t there post Meredith Whitney as the yields are insufficient to overcome the fear of default. At least GREECE pays you a true risk yield to purchase its SOVEREIGN DEBT. The end of the quarter leaves me thinking that the FED and all the other QE-providing BANKS have so perverted the global interest markets that the decision to remove the monetary stimulus will create a great deal of volatility. The question is, when?

The coming quarter will begin to answer that question but the political stage will continue to surprise as 2012 brings forth many elections. In May, the Canadians will go to the polls and the Portuguese will follow. I am certain that other Parliamentary Governments will fall as the austerity budgets begin to take a toll on voters of many Western nations. As the quarter comes to an end, the EUR/YEN cross that has been the barometer of so much of the risk on/risk off paradigm, is breaking out to new highs since the second quarter of 2010. Is this a reflection of the G-7 intervention or merely the need for Japanese investors to seek higher yields outside of Japan?

The FT reported yesterday that several macro hedge funds suffered severe losses from the March 17 YEN rally that sent the DOLLAR/YEN rate to 76-plus. As the quarter ends, there are more questions than answers but I sincerely hope that the FED will begin to remove some of the haze that engulfs global financial markets. The politics will create volatility. Responsible central bank policies would do much to help remove some of the greater uncertainties. For many, this was certainly a “WINTER OF DISCONTENT.” Being a CUBS FAN, it is time for HOPE to SPRING ETERNAL.Hey Bernanke, PLAY BALL.

Notes From Underground: when it comes to the markets, is no news good news??

August 1, 2010

This weekend was a slow news weekend for impact-worthy events. The Chinese PMI data was somewhat tepid but not as weak as expected. Again, we state that we don’t trust the Chinese data at all. We must remember how the U.S. data is so badly flawed, so why should we trust the economic releases of an economy that is so ostensibly government controlled? Good, bad or ugly, we have very little respect for Chinese data. We hope we are clear on that but we report it only for the initial impact it can have on trades.


Notes From Underground: SAFE secrets no longer in the vault

July 7, 2010

The State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), which administers the vast CHINESE foreign reserves, said it would not go the “nuclear option” and dump U.S. treasuries in a one-off move to reallocate its holdings, but SAFE called upon Washington and other governments to pursue “responsible” policies. The SAFE official told the world that during the last four months they’ve been accumulating Japanese government bonds at a record rate, which has recently pushed the YEN to new highs. Also, the Chinese officials said they would not be purchasing GOLD as the market was too thin and volatile. Plus, whatever the Chinese purchased would not be enough to truly diversify their portfolio.


Notes From Underground: risk on risk off … and so it goes; and so it goes

June 3, 2010

We were back in form today as the risk on profile was back on. The EUR/YEN was well-bid as risk was the theme, but we want to watch the YEN to see if the correlation of YEN as the risk barometer is beginning to breakdown with the present political developements in Tokyo taking its toll. The S&PS Wednesday put on a significant rally to solidify the risk on profile.


Notes From Underground: As the sun sets on Europe, we need to shine light on Japan

May 13, 2010

Trichet said today that the ECB purchasing of European sovereign debt was not quantitative easing. Our only respone is similar to Bill Clinton’s: fellatio is not sex.


Notes From Underground: Are we returning to the thrilling days of YEN carry trade?

March 7, 2010

The news over the weekend was chilling as the good citizens of Iceland, as expected, voted down the settlement agreement between the governments of Iceland, the U.K. and the Netherlands. The failed online bank, Icesave, which went belly up at the beginning of the global credit crisis, left many British and Dutch savers in the lurch. Iceland was a poster child of global investors’ rush to higher yields, as the Icelandic banks generated large profits through the massive use of leverage. When the asset market collapsed, all the leverage used turned into a debacle and the depositors were left holding the bag. After much acrimony, the Icelanders approved a resolution that would make the foreign depositors whole during the next 14 years.

The good citizens of Iceland balked and the resolution was forced to a referendum. The Icelanders rightly believe that the depositors should accept some of the responsibility as their avarice aided and abetted the banking bubble. The U.K. and Dutch regulators have been adamant to be paid in full but what countries citizens want to be on the hook for what their banks did (another case of privatizing the reward while socializing the risk)? Yes, we know that the Icelanders were giddy during the bubble but why should they pay the freight for the banks that failed? The market impact from this will be minimal but the political fallout that this may cause around the globe is the real story. This may be the vote heard round the world for the iced tea baggers. Just for the record, the NO vote recorded 93%.

Headlines are blaring that the Chinese are looking at severing the DOLLAR peg. This is nonsense of the first order as the talk is about a 2% revaluation during the next year. Chinese officials followed up by opining that the YUAN may find a place in the IMF-based Special Drawing Rights (SDR). This comes with no timetable, so from a trading perspective it is meaningless.

The other key story is the that the Chinese government is planning to nullify financing guarantees to local governments. In a move that would certainly curtail some of the robust credit growth, the central government would make the local administrations be on the hook to the banks. At this juncture we don’t have enough information to know its full effects, but this is worth watching as it could prevent Chinese banks from taking on unlimited municipal and regional debt without guarantees from Beijing. This story is one of many that leak from officialdom in China and it makes it difficult from a trading perspective. We are always cautious with Chinese financial news as it is hard to analyze what is official and what is speculation from anonymous sources, such as it is with a centrally controlled political economy.

There was a sizable rally in the EUR/YEN cross on Thursday and Friday, as the risk trade was back in full force. Global equity markets rallied and all asset classes performed in sync. Several pundits noted that the DOLLAR had not sold off as has been its wont as the carry trade has prevailed. While the DOLLAR has indeed not sold off dramatically, it has in fact stopped rallying even with the continued negative news from Europe. Even more interesting for the carry trade is the S&Ps versus the EUR/YEN, which had been the barometer of the carry trade crowd. In January, when the S&PS were trading at the levels we saw on Friday, the EUR/YEN crossrate was trading around the 131 to 132. We know that the EURO sold off against all the world’s currnecies as the debt problems of the peripheral countries called the question of the entire EU entity.

Now that some stability has been brought to the debt markets and an appetite for risk seems to be developing, will the EUR/YEN cross reassert its correlation to the global equity markets? We caution that this is March and it means year end for the Japanese balance sheets, which in the past has always meant great volatility until March 31. This year the Japanese corporations can repatriate capital at an almost tax free rate, thus adding to the combustible seasonality. The question is how much of this repatriation flow has already taken place? The answer is not known to us but the divergence that has taken place between the equity markets and the carry trade seems to imply that a great deal of the flow has occurred. This divergence has our attention and with the continuing war of words taking place between the BOJ and the Ministry of Finance regarding the recent  news of nascent deflation, the last thing the policy makers in Japan want is a strong YEN. Throw in Toyota’s recent woes and the EUR/YEN cross certainly has our attention. As we always caution, consult your technicals or your technician and find where price fails to support the analysis. As our bellweathers of the global equity trade are beginning to rally, we note that the risk on carry trade may find some new legs. Trying always to exist in a worls where 2+2=5 is a beautiful thing.