Posts Tagged ‘Podcast’

Notes From Underground: Staring Into the Abyss

June 26, 2022
To my readers —
My apologies for the long hiatus, but in addition to my sojourn to the East Coast, my eyesight has been suboptimal. That said, my mind has been ruminating on what has been a very active first half of the year between Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Fed’s aggressive path — in addition to other central banks exiting a stimulative framework. While I may not be writing at the moment, I’ve taken the time to record a couple of Financial Repression Authority podcasts. The first was with Spanish economist Daniel Lacalle. As always, I look forward to your questions, comments and concerns as we head into the second half of what’s already turning into a tumultuous 2022.
Click here to listen to the podcast. 

Notes From Underground: Shedding Some Light

October 17, 2021

It has been six weeks since there has been “wisdom” from NOTES as the Jewish Holy Days gave pause to refresh and recharge the cerebral engine. Let’s hope the time away has borne the fruit that I was seeking to consume. We are posting a podcast I recorded with Professor Barry Eichengreen, one of the best economic historians in the land. His work on the GOLD Standard and the Great Depression is worth a read. It was an honor and privilege to be able to sit in conversation with the Financial Repression Authority’s Richard Bonugli as moderator.


Notes From Underground: Another Day in the Dark With Dr. Faber

May 9, 2021

Dr. Marc Faber and I had a 65-minute discussion with Richard Bonugli and the Financial Repression Authority. It was about eight months ago since we last discussed the global macro world and while it does not have the pizzaz of CNBC, those who listen to the discourse in 2020 would’ve been rewarded as many of the issues we discussed proved to be highly profitable investments. The themes remain similar although the rapid rise in mining and ag stocks have me leaning on the cautious side even as ADM, BG, FCX, Glencore and certainly KSU power forward to new highs.


Notes From Underground: November Podcast

November 24, 2020

Wishing all my readers a Happy Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for all my blessings in my life and for the engagement with my readers in these tumultuous times. Enjoy the podcast I recorded with Anthony Cruedele as we consider investment themes going forward.

Thankfully, Yra

Click here to listen to the podcast.

Notes From Undergound: Marc Faber, Wow

October 13, 2020

It is a pleasure to have sat down with the paradigm of global macro, Dr. Marc Faber. We, alongside Richard Bonugli, talked commodities, currencies and bond markets. Enjoy the podcast and make it a double of your favorite libation. No, it’s not doom and gloom. It’s insights into the current global financial situation presented with potential investment opportunities.

But first, let’s review a few things:


Notes From Underground: Podcast? Yes, Podcast

November 20, 2018
It was a pleasure to spend time with Peter Boockvar, David Rosenberg and Richard Bonugli as we prepared a Thanksgiving feast for the global macro world. We cover many relevant areas and provide measured analysis of important financial concerns. Pour your favorite libation and take a listen as you sift through the cornucopia of ideas and develop possible profitable trades.


Notes From Underground: Volatility Will Remain in Financial Markets

October 28, 2018

First,I have the extreme pleasure of participating in another PODCAST with Richard Bonugli at the Financial Repression Authority. It is always a pleasure to “JAM” with Peter Boockvar in an effort to discern the rhythms of the global financial system. Peter, along with Jim Bianco, are two of the best analysts covering the entire rubric of money flows being impacted by the data. Enjoy the exchange and remember that this recorded on Tuesday, October 23. There was a great deal of volatility and data after our podcast, but much of it is relevant heading into this week’s trading.


Notes From Underground: Fresh FRA Podcast

August 23, 2018
Here’s another podcast from the Financial repression Authority I recorded with Richard Bonugli and Peter Boockvar. The ability for readers to listen to a free exchange of ideas is well worth the price paid to read Notes From Underground. Before you listen, I want to call your attention to an article from the Tuesday edition of the Financial Times, which of course, received little attention from the purveyors of PABLUM.


Notes From Underground:

July 16, 2018

On July 11, I discussed many of the current issues confronting the financial markets with FRA’s Richard Bonugli and Peter Boockvar of the Bleakley Group. These podcasts are an important way for me to communicate with some of the brightest minds in the global financial world. It allows me to express ideas and have true discourse to help clarify ideas for the readership of NOTES FROM UNDERGROUND. Pour your favorite libation and drink deep from the efforts of some of the best minds in the financial industry.


Notes From Underground: Another FRA Podcast

May 20, 2018

On May 16, Peter Boockvar and I had a conversation about how we need to pay attention to geopolitical events, as well as the overhanging debt crisis that’s beginning to disrupt the complacent markets. Enjoy.