Posts Tagged ‘Larry Summers’

Notes From Underground: Looking Back to December 24, 2014

September 1, 2015

There is now rampant talk about a revived FED QE4 program, most powerfully talked about by Bridgewater’s Ray Dalio and Larry Summers (from the genetically powered economics family of Samuelson and Arrow). On December 24, Santelli and I considered the possibility of QE4 (see clip below). I posed this question to all investors: How would the equity markets react if the FED had to reignite its large asset purchases?

Yra on CNBC December 24, 2014


Notes From Underground: Larry Summers In Mister October

October 7, 2014

There is not doubt that Larry Summers is excited by October G-20 and IMF meetings as the top policy makers meet to discuss the state of the world economy and other significant global interests. It’s a time when the media is focused on the world’s leaders and Mr. Summers likes the role of being a major player. There is no question about Summer’s academic qualifications and his wealth of policy making experience. If success in the field of economics was based on eugenics, well, Larry Summers would certainly have a Nobel Prize. My one major criticism of Secretary Summers was his running interference for Robert Rubin and Sandy Weil in their efforts to repeal Glass-Steagall, which even Mr. Weil has admitted was a great mistake. In today’s Financial Times, Larry Summers had an op-ed, “Why Public Investment Really Is A Free Lunch.”


Notes From Underground: 500 Days of Summers … NOT

September 15, 2013

As the markets were heading into the close on Friday afternoon, I noticed that silver and gold were rallying and the newswire failed to provide any headline for the a substantial price rise. (There was no Syria news or any other type of geo-political event.) The weekend news also failed to support the rally at least until a few hours ago when the Washington Post ran a headline announcing that Larry Summers had withdrawn his name for consideration for Chairman of the Fed. Many pundits have been maintaining that Summers would be quick to end the entire QE program and thus would have a negative impact on all asset prices. Nonsense in the first degree, but as a trader, the first rule is to respect prices. The removal of Summers has led to the U.S. dollar selling in early Asian trading as the anticipation is now the Fed will be under a Chairman more in step with the Bernanke method of central bank theory.


Notes From Underground: September, the Potential for An Investment Wasteland

September 4, 2013

Yesterday, I had a global macro session with some of the best users of the Notes From Underground. They are disciplined in pursuit of profit but as most of my readers try to do, pursue causation as a prelude to correlation. Carl had prepared a white board chart of all of the relevant events that are set to play out in September. April may be the cruelest month but September 2013 will certainly give T.S. Eliot’s poem a run for the grand title. The desire to anticipate any of the events may lead to a “wasteland” of capital. So thanks to Carl, let me restate the list of events:


Notes From Underground: When Markets Are Slow

July 29, 2013

Many readers have e-mailed, “Where is the blog?” During the recent summer doldrums and the central banks in “control” of prices, there is not much to write about. Rehashing old stale stories to fill pages fails the test of qualitative analysis. The markets are so bored that the fabricated controversy of who might be the next FED Chair keeps the talking heads, well, TALKING! I was going to leave this nonsense alone but I will respond to several e-mails with this brief opinion:


Notes From Underground: My Response To Larry Summers

May 7, 2013

First, the RBA finally cut the lending rate by 25 basis points to 2.75%. By the close of the market, the Aussie dollar remained weak as some were surprised by the move. As I promised my readers of NOTES it is the 2/10 yield curve where the indicator of further currency and bank action will be found. The 2/10 steepened a slight three points, but the action ahead will be the key. Failure to take out recent steepener highs will be an indicator that the RBA has more work to do if it wishes to give a boost to the Australian economy.


Notes From Underground: The World Continues to Point the Finger at Germany

April 29, 2012

The critics of German policy are mounting a relentless media attack in trying to turn what some have called Germanic fiscal sadism. Many are blaming the culture of BUNDESBANK INFLATION PHOBIA as the neurosis that is beginning to suffocate the economies of EUROPE, including those who are part of the CORE. In today’s Telegraph, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, jumps on board and blames the Germans and their efforts for fiscal fidelity as causing so much political uncertainty within so many EU nations.


Notes From Underground: Can the Obama Administration Please Find People Who Haven’t Been Responsible For Failed Policies?

January 19, 2012

The Obama Administration has taken recycling way too far. There is a rumor that former economic adviser Larry Summers is a potential nominee for President of the World Bank. Is there no one else besides these retreads who have represented and worked for the FINANCIAL-POLITICAL COMPLEX? Summers is a horrible choice as he has been tainted by his work and exorbitant compensation for several Wall Street firms. The idea that the World Bank president has to be an American is a throwback to the times when it was ok to fight anti-colonial wars around the globe and at the same time using the World Bank’s funds to buy friends and influence people no matter how tyrannical the regime.


Notes From Underground: Housing Is Making It As the Foundation of Obama’s Domestic Agenda … Why Hasn’t Geithner Been Replaced?

October 24, 2011

The speeches by FOMC GOVERNOR TARULLO and Vice Chair Yellen were followed up with an Obama speech on a “major” REFI operation and many articles in the media. In today’s Financial Times, Larry Summers just happened to have a piece titled, “WHY THE HOUSING BURDEN STALLS AMERICA’S ECONOMIC RECOVERY.” It seems that the administration has awakened to the fact that the credit crisis has been wrapped in a housing crunch that has kept consumer demand lackluster at best. (Also known as the Geithner plan: Aid the banks first and maybe help the debt-laden consumer/homeowner somewhere down the line.)


Notes From Underground: Larry Summers and His Discontent

July 19, 2011

In Monday’s Financial Times there is a column by Lawrence Summers, the GODFATHER of U.S. economic policy. Mr. Summers offers the Europeans a great deal of advice on “HOW TO SAVE THE EUROZONE IN THE COMING CRITICAL WEEKS.” The article is actually a good policy prospective if there was not the issue of politics that play a large and important role in the EU‘s inability to resolve its fiscal difficulties. Summers wants to believe that the EUROCRATS have the political mandate to negotiate Brussel’s desire for a peaceful, state-supported EDEN of entitlements.
